
Pro Tools 10 M-Powered Crossgrade

Pro Tools 10 M-Powered Crossgrade
Pro Tools 10 M-Powered Crossgrade
838.32 лв.
  • Наличност: В наличност
  • Кат. номер: 1977

Купи с

48 вноски по 28.11 лв.

Купи на изплащане със стоков кредит от Банка ДСК

• Улеснена процедура за електронно подписване
• Атрактивни условия по кредита
• Параметри изцяло по Ваш избор
• Одобрение до няколко минути изцяло онлайн

Размер на кредита /лв./
Месечна вноска /лв./
Обща дължима сума /лв./
ГПР /%/
Изчисленията са направени при допускането за първа падежна дата след 30 дни и са с насочваща цел. Избери най-подходящата месечна вноска.
  • Speed up editing and mixing with Clip Gain, and easily adjust and match gain levels, pre-mixer
  • Use multiple audio formats in a session—including interleaved—without file duplication
  • Record higher resolution sound with more headroom in 32-bit floating-point format
  • Get great responsiveness on slower hard drives with the enhanced disk cache
  • Record in low-latency mode, with direct monitoring when using third-party audio interfaces
  • Get the sound of System 5 console EQ and dynamics with the Avid Channel Strip plug-in
  • Get access to over 500 additional Pro Tools commands when using EUCON controllers
  • Work more easily with AudioSuite-rendered clips with reverse processing, handles, and more
  • Create extra long-format projects for sequential versioning with the extended 24-hour timeline
  • Open fade-heavy sessions faster and get better responsiveness with real-time fades
  • Fold down 5.1 surround mixes to stereo with the Down Mixer plug-in
  • Export mixes directly to SoundCloud to share and promote your music to the world
  • Shop for virtual instruments, effects, and sound processing plug-ins in the Marketplace

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