
Wherever you are on your musical journey, and no matter your budget, you
shouldn't have to compromise on sound quality. Meet the CT-X700. Its
modest price makes it the right choice for casual or beginning players,
and its stunning sound makes it a must-have for keyboardists of any
level who ..
447.80 лв. 584.80 лв.
Мини Кийборд.
• 44 Мини Клавиша
• 8 Нотна Полифония
• Звуци от 100 Музикални Инструменти
• 50 Ритъма
• 10 Музикални Съпровода
• Лесно Включване / Изключване на Вградените Мелодии
• Лесно Превключване Между Пиано и Орган
• 5 Пада за Свирене на Ударни Инструменти
• LC Ди..
135.00 лв.
UNO is the new black
The foundation of any great synth collection
IK’s award-winning true analog synthesizer is back with a bold new
look. With classic analog sound, incredible flexibility, an inspiring
workflow and complete connectivity, this little black synth is perfect
590.00 лв. 859.00 лв.
On Your Own or with a Band. For Rehearsing or for Playing Live.
For practicing at home, for songwriting, for rehearsals, and for the
stage. An all-around instrument, offering high-quality sound and rich
expressivity. It’s fully featured for however you perform – whether it’s
live on sta..
829.00 лв. 858.00 лв.
Powerful, realistic sound and the latest features
In comparison to the previous model (PSR-A300) the sampling of the
Voices used in the PSR-A350 has been greatly improved. In addition, we
have fine-tuned the built-in speaker system to achieve even better
performance. As a result, the sound ..
760.43 лв.
A light, portable piano-style keyboard with simple functions
A 76-key keyboard (a conventional piano has 88 keys) that allows you to
perform piano pieces with greater authenticity, without requiring much
space. Although the keys have the same box shape as those on a piano,
the keyboard has ..
744.00 лв.
Клавиатура: 61-клавиша, динамичнаДинамика на клавиатурата: 3 вариантаДисплей: LCDПолифония: 128 гласаЗвуци: 653 General MIDI: НеСплит на клавиатурата: ДаТранспониране: ДаЕфекти: EQ, Реверберация, ХорусАкомпаниращи Стилове: 240Записване/Секвенсер: 6-Писти; 10 песниОзвучителна система: 10W x 2 - ..
499.00 лв. 599.00 лв.