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DBX 560A Компресор The dbx 560A Compressor/Limiter offers legendary VCA-based compression in the increasingly popular 500 Series format. dbx has a much-heralded history with modular processors dating back to our 900 Series and the 560A continues that tradition.Featuring the same switch-selectable ..
470.00 лв.
LEXICON PCM96Едина хитра комбинация от наследство и иновации! PCM96 Stereo Reverb / Effects Processor доставя 28 нови Lexicon реверберации, закъснения и модулация ефекти в вашият DAW.Появяват се за първи път и нови хол алгоритми, плюс един асортимент от нови моно реверберации и ефекти. Десетилети..
5,199.00 лв.
Mighty MicroMicfor miking up accordions, guitars and pianosThe C516 ML professional miniature instrumental microphone, part of the MicroMics family, is designed for use on accordions, pianos, guitar speakers and keyboard/organ cabinets. Using two C516 MLs (one on the bass and one on the treble side..
299.00 лв.
High Output Indoor/Outdoor Background/Foreground LoudspeakerThe Control® 28T is the largest of JBL Professional’s Control Contractor Series indoor/outdoor loudspeakers.FEATURES∧Isolation transformer for 70.7 V / 100 V distributed-line sound systems.Components: 8 in Polypropylene coated woofer, 1 in ..
741.00 лв.
It might seem laughable, even absurd, that the guitar world’s failure to appreciate the original Les Paul would lead to its deletion from the Gibson line up after 1960, but so it often goes with creations that are so far ahead of their time. Just a few years later, scores of groundbreaking artists ..
9,776.00 лв.
Mesa M6 Carbine 600-watt Bass Amplifier Head Features at a Glance:Black Bronco vinyl covering600 watts @ 4 or 2 ohms (320 watts @ 8 ohms)Trans-Class Power with 8/4 or 2 ohmsImpedance switch for optimum power-to-load performanceAll-tube preamp section with 1 x 12AX7Power amp section with 8 Power MOS..
3,936.00 лв. 4,920.00 лв.
D3673 е мощен 1.4” високочестотен драйвер, с широк спектър на приложение във висококачествени, мощни озвучителни системи с много висока чувствителност и минимални изкривявания, за вътрешно и външно озвучаване. Използвана е мембрана от двуслоен полиестер, което заедно с радиалния фазоизравнител под..
360.00 лв.