Multiple Color Changing Type uses Red, Green and Blue LEDs to produce a vast rray of colours integrted with microelectronic technology and digital technology; No limiting its feature in changing colour along each tube; some of the other lighting effects include: Color chasing, color fading, gray..
he Hammond SK1 is the first “Ultra-Portable” organ in its history, weighing in at just 15 pounds, and the first Hammond portable to feature a wide range of Extra Voices. The “Drawbar” section is a complete Hammond Organ with all the traditional features: Real Mechanical Drawbars, Chorus Vibrato, Tou..
TX2181 • 2 x 18" Subwoofer • 103 dB Sensitivity • 138 dB Max SPL • 1000 W Cont, 4000 W PeakThe Electro-Voice® TX2181 is a dual subwoofer system that is designed to add high-output, high-impact bass response to the TX2152 loudspeaker system.Technical Specifications:• Freq. Response (-3 dB): 50 Hz - ..