
SA-77СпецификацииКлавиатура44 клавиши мини размерМаксимална Polyphony8Тонове100 вградени тоновеРитми / Patterns50 вградени ритмиВграден Songs10 (Song Bank)Урок FunctionMelody за включване / изключване (Урок част: Melody част)Други функцииPiano тон тон на органи / бутон с едно докосване5 барабанни н..
135.00 лв. 162.00 лв.
синтезаторKeyboard 61 touch sensitive keyssounds 320rhythms 100songs 100display with backlight..
299.00 лв.
PROGRAMSPolyphony 8 voices (up to 4 when the vocoder is selected)Program: 128Number of timbres Maximum 2 (when using Layer, Split, or Multi)Synth 2 oscillator + noise generator Oscillator 1Waveform SAW, PULSE, TRIANGLE, SINE, FORMANT,NOISE, PCM/DWGS, AUDIO INModulation WAVEFORM, CROSS, UNISON, VPM..
800.00 лв.
Specifications Synthesis TechnologyEDS (Enhanced Definition Synthesis)Tone Generator256 Mbyte (when converted to 16-bit linear format)1,077 Multisamples1,609 Drum SamplesMaximum Polyphony80 voices, 80 oscillators max, single mode40 voices, 80 oscillators max, double mode** The actual maximum polypho..
1,670.40 лв. 1,980.00 лв.
he Hammond SK1 is the first “Ultra-Portable” organ in its history, weighing in at just 15 pounds, and the first Hammond portable to feature a wide range of Extra Voices. The “Drawbar” section is a complete Hammond Organ with all the traditional features: Real Mechanical Drawbars, Chorus Vibrato, Tou..
3,073.00 лв.