Acoustic Drums

New Entry Acoustic Drum Set "RYDEEN"The new RYDEEN is exactly what any beginner or intermediate player would love to play. This drum set utilizes Yamaha hardware featuring Genuine Yamaha tom and pipe clamps and features solid and glitter finishes, each with three color options, for a total of six v..
1,355.39 лв.
New Entry Acoustic Drum Set "RYDEEN"The new RYDEEN is exactly what any beginner or intermediate player would love to play. This drum set utilizes Yamaha hardware featuring Genuine Yamaha tom and pipe clamps and features solid and glitter finishes, each with three color options, for a total of six v..
1,355.39 лв.
New Entry Acoustic Drum Set "RYDEEN"The new RYDEEN is exactly what any beginner or intermediate player would love to play. This drum set utilizes Yamaha hardware featuring Genuine Yamaha tom and pipe clamps and features solid and glitter finishes, each with three color options, for a total of six v..
1,355.39 лв.
New Entry Acoustic Drum Set "RYDEEN"The new RYDEEN is exactly what any beginner or intermediate player would love to play. This drum set utilizes Yamaha hardware featuring Genuine Yamaha tom and pipe clamps and features solid and glitter finishes, each with three color options, for a total of six v..
1,355.00 лв.
Developed in collaboration with Manu Katche, the Junior Kit offers superior performance in a small diameter configuration that can be adjusted to a wide range of heights.Small Kits with 2 tomsThis kit features a two-tom layout, based on Manu Katche’s desire to create a kit for use in educational se..
1,826.03 лв.
Материал: 6 пласта 5.4mm Session Формула Бреза/Африкански махагонДървени обръчи на касата в цвета на комплектаКожи на барабанчето: Remo Snare Drum HeadsКожи на томовете: Remo Pinstripe Tom Batter/Clear Remo HeadsКожи на касата: Remo Powerstroke Bass Drum HeadsSuperHoop II 2.3mm на Барабанчето, Том..
3,899.00 лв.
Акустични Барабани Premier APK BEBOP18КОМПЛЕКТ със стойки модел - 3000 Series hardware available -double braced hi-hat, snare, boom and cymbal stands with a single pedalЧИНЕЛИТЕ НЕ СА ВКЮЧЕНИ В КОМПЛЕКТАразмери - 12" x 8" Standard Tom- 14" x 14" Floor Tom- 18" x 14" Bass Drum- 14" x 5.5" Snare Dr..
1,539.00 лв.
Сиви- сребърен цвят- Акустични Барабани Premier APK CLUBACE20ЧИНЕЛИТЕ НЕ СА ВКЮЧЕНИ В ЦЕНАТА КОМПЛЕКТ със стойки модел - 3000 Series hardware available -double braced hi-hat, snare, boom and cymbal stands with a single pedalClub Ace 20- 10" x 6.5" Club Tom- 13" x 11" Club Floor Tom- 20" x 10" Club..
1,475.00 лв.
Акустични Барабани Premier PHS STAGE20 SGW - СРЕБЪРЕН сив цвят, ЧЕРВЕНИ, ЧЕРНИ ИЛИ СИНИ!КОМПЛЕКТ със стойки модел - 3000 Series hardware available -double braced hi-hat, snare, boom and cymbal stands with a single pedalЧИНЕЛИТЕ НЕ СА ВКЛЮЧЕНИ В КОМПЛЕКТА 10" x 8" Quick Tom- 12" x 9" Quick Tom- ..
1,282.00 лв.
The Absolute Formula to Expressive Drums We designed the new Absolute Series drums with two points in mind. First: to develop a shell that has as wide an expressive range as possible; and second: to create a drum that faithfully reproduces every nuance in your playing - from a tap to full stroke. I..
1,436.36 лв.
Recording Custom Brass Snare Drums Features • Snare Wire 20 strand snare wire equipped,and Steve Gadd signature 10 strand snare wire bundled(14”x5.5”). The drum includes the snare wire that Steve prefers to use. This is a 14 strand snare wire with the middle four strands removed. This special snare..
1,169.00 лв.
The Absolute Formula to Expressive Drums We designed the new Absolute Series drums with two points in mind. First: to develop a shell that has as wide an expressive range as possible; and second: to create a drum that faithfully reproduces every nuance in your playing - from a tap to full stroke. I..
2,701.63 лв.